Jumpstart Designs

These templates are designed for your personal, scrap for others, and scrap for hire use only. No commercial use!


Use these templates for your personal use. Please credit Jumpstart Designs when you post your layouts in any and all galleries.

Use these templates for CT layouts, if you are on any teams. Please credit me and provide links when you do.

Use these templates in submission of layouts to a magazine for publication. Please give credit to Jumpstart Designs.

Use these templates in your Scrap for Hire projects and Scrap for Others but all projects sold must be in flattened versions.


You are NOT permitted to sale any part of the template in individual layers. All scrap for hire projects must be sold in flattened versions, either in jpg, png, or printed formats.

You are NOT permitted to repackage these items in their original format, either individually or as a pack, and sell to consumers, or give away in their original format as freebies.

You may NOT make "Quick Pages" or templates from our designs and offer them for sale or free under any circumstances.

You are NOT permitted to redistribute these items as received and claim as your own.

You may NOT sell, share, loan, or pirate these items in any way.

You may NOT create brushes or tubes from any portion of these items.

You may NOT upload our designs to any webpage for download; send them through Google, Yahoo or other "list" groups.

You are NOT permitted to use my designs for any harmful, pornographic, obscene, defamatory, immoral, or racial material.


Jumpstart Designs, nor Sheri Sessions shall not be responsible, under any circumstances, for any loss or damages resulting from the use or inability to use products provided.

If you have any questions regarding my Terms of Use or would like Commercial Use rights, please e-mail me at: [email protected]

I would also love to see your layouts and have the opportunity to comment on them!